Until recently, STORES (Scintilla's Trading Organisation for Reduced priced Electronics and Study needs) used a sales program that would only work on a Windows XP machine, which has been out of support for already quite some time. The environment was only available within the STORES itself, which made searching for products by customers using their website extremely inconvenient.
To solve this Drenso has designed a complete tailor made sales program, in which all used functionality of the old program has been re-implemented, while directly solving the old shortcomings. The new solutions runs from the browser, making it ready to be used on any modern device. A new product search environment has also been designed for the customers, and the complete look & feel of, for example, the receipts and invoices has been modernized. With the new system, STORES can operate efficiently again.
STORES mainly sells articles related to the technical studies at the University of Twente, during the lunch break. There is currently no webshop, but it is always possible to come by to do your shopping. The website can be found at https://www.stores.utwente.nl.